As we adapt to new practices brought about by COVID-19, alternative forms of meetings have become the go-to for many businesses in lieu of face to face.
When it comes to recruitment, companies have now embraced video interviewing as a new way to conduct a safe and convenient interview process. A recent HR survey from Gartner shows that 86% of companies are using virtual methods for hiring during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How can you ‘sell’ yourself in a video interview as you would if the interview were done face to face?
This article will provide tips on how you can ace that video interview. Are you familiar with the 7%-38%-55% rule? This is a commonly misinterpreted piece of research conducted by Albert Mehrabian, about the importance of verbal and non-verbal messages.
Essentially, it is important that the words you use to communicate must be congruent to not just the literal meaning of the words (7%), but also the tone of voice (38%) and facial expression (55%) while communicating.
Follow these 3 easy steps to help you ace your video interview:
Your words – and what they mean literally (7%)
Make sure to demonstrate good use of words during the interview to convey your message clearly and effectively.
Good vocabulary and word range. This creates an impression of knowledge and competency. Using words in the right context is also very important when you provide an answer to your interviewer.
Decent grammar. This is also a good indicator of the quality of your educational background.
Tone of voice as you speak these words (38%)
Tone of voice covers a wide range of descriptors but the main ones I suggest maintaining when in an interview are conversational and professional tone descriptors.
Conversational tone. Maintaining a conversational tone means that you are not just presenting information but rather conveying a direct message to your interviewer. This way, you can encourage a more interactive conversation with your interviewer rather than an interrogative one. It will alleviate the typical tension when you are in an interview and it will allow for a warmer and cordial mood.
Professional tone. Keep a business focused way of communication when you speak with the interviewer. Despite being conversational, be careful not to be overly familiar or too enthusiastic during the interview. It is important to maintain a professional tone to ensure that you do not leave the wrong impression.
Facial expression/body language as you speak during the interview (55%)
Eye contact. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer, especially when discussing important points. Pro tip: If for some reason you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable when maintaining eye contact, just look at the interviewer’s eyebrows or forehead.
Hand gestures. Keep your palms open – this indicates that you are open and receptive. It also shows that you are comfortable and not tense, which means it is an indicator of confidence.
Head movements and body posture. Nod or raise your head when your interviewer speaks about something you agree with.
Practice makes perfect! So, use your family or friends and a mirror to help you prepare for a confident video interview. This could be the future of all interviews!
For further tips on interviewing or if you need career advice during this time, please feel free to reach out to us!